We acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Art Gallery of NSW stands.

Angela Brennan Portrait of Erik Jensen

oil on linen

185.2 x 151.2 cm

Angela Brennan usually works in colourful abstraction, but she also enjoys painting portraits of artists and other friends.

Erik Jensen is a writer and a friend. An award-winning biographer, journalist, screenwriter and poet, he is the founding editor of The Saturday Paper and editor-in-chief of Schwartz Media. His books include Acute misfortune: the life and death of Adam Cullen.

‘I met Erik several years ago and we clicked immediately. I love talking to him about art history, certain artists, poetry, writing and the different ways we see and experience the world,’ says Brennan, a Melbourne-based artist and first-time Archibald entrant.

‘He came to my studio in Brunswick East for a long sitting. After settling on the pose, I made preliminary drawings and began painting him, getting the whole figure onto the canvas. From there, I was able to develop the painting, working on it over several weeks, and referencing my studio setting.

‘I delight in Erik’s vitality, which I hope I’ve conveyed in the portrait. For me, he embodies a particular essence that demands to be painted!’

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